Sunday, November 05, 2006

Feel Great Every Day With This Habit!

They say it takes about 90 day's to form a habit. (Whoever
"they" are). And I assume they mean any habit, good or bad.

OK if you do this everyday within 90 days it will become your habit. You will loving life more than ever before.

Deep breathing
(recommended by Anthony Robins and Jimmy Sweeney based on Health research)

take one deep breath through your NOSE ONLY, to
full capacity. (This takes me about 6 or 7 seconds).

hold this breath for about 20 to 30 seconds.

Next, SLOWLY exhale through your MOUTH ONLY making sure to
exhale completely until there is no air left in my lungs.

repeat this amazing process a total of 10 times.

If you sick
Ask your doctor if this is okay for you, but I can't
recommend highly enough that you try this everyday for a
week to see how it makes you feel each morning. Do it for
90 days and you've got a new healthy habit with
lifelong benefits.


after deep breathing exercise, then take 5 minutes to stretch your body
Stretch my leg muscles, my back, my arms, my shoulders, and my neck

it only takes me 10 minutes everyday after wake up to feel great each day.


For those of you who smoke, this can really put you in
"touch" with your lungs.

If you do smoke and you're thinking about quitting I highly
recommend a new system to you that I've referred a few
friends too as well.

You can use this special link below to check it out.

Click Here!

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